Custom Stamps

Custom Stamps

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Logo Marking Solutions

Over 172 Years of engraving bespoke dies manufactured to the highest standards of precision and accuracy, means you can be assured that your Brand is in safe hands.

Over that long history of being at the “stamping edge” of every technological breakthrough means, however intricate your logo design, Pryor can provide your Custom Stamp as a Hand Tool or Machine held / automated device that identifies your product as uniquely yours.

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170 years of precision engineering

Click above to watch a short video about our specialist engraving services.

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Modern solutions

Watch how to create a logo directly on a Pryor machine controller – logo marking is easy using this resistive touchscreen controller, either directly onto the screen or imported from an external source.

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Easy to use

Watch how to import a logo file into Pryor laser marking software and use a laser engraving machine to mark it.